Understanding the Subpoena Duces Tecum in Virginia: What to Do if You Receive One

Receiving a subpoena duces tecum in Virginia can be a daunting and unfamiliar experience. Whether you’re a party to a lawsuit or a third-party witness, it is important to understanding your rights and obligations. Below we will discuss what a subpoena duces tecum is and what steps you should take if you receive one in Virginia.

What is a Subpoena Duces Tecum?

A subpoena duces tecum is a legal document issued by a court or an attorney that requires you to produce documents, records, or other tangible evidence. The court or attorney requesting these documents or other evidence does so in connection with a legal proceeding. Unlike a witness subpoena, a subpoena duces tecum usually requests production of documents relevant to the case.

Key Components of a Virginia Subpoena Duces Tecum

  • Caption: This section identifies the court, the parties involved in the case, and other relevant details.
  • Recipient Information: The subpoena duces tecum will list you as the recipient.
  • Request for Documents: The subpoena will specify the documents or records that you are required to produce.
  • Date, Time, and Place: It will indicate the deadline for producing the documents and may include instructions for delivery or pickup.
  • Penalties for Noncompliance: The subpoena will typically outline the consequences of failing to comply. These consequences can include fines, sanctions, or other legal repercussions.

What to Do if You Receive a Subpoena Duces Tecum in Virginia

  1. Review the Subpoena Carefully: Take the time to read the subpoena duces tecum thoroughly. Pay close attention to the documents requested, the deadline for compliance, and any other instructions provided.
  2. Assess the Scope of the Request: Evaluate whether you possess the requested documents or records that the requested and determine their relevance to the legal proceeding. Consult with your attorney if you have any doubts or concerns about the subpoena.
  3. Preserve the Requested Documents: If you have the requested documents in your possession, take steps to preserve them in their original form and avoid altering or destroying any relevant evidence.
  4. Consult with Legal Counsel: Consider seeking advice from a qualified attorney who specializes in civil litigation or subpoena compliance. They can provide guidance on how to respond to the subpoena and protect your rights and interests.
  5. Respond Appropriately: Depending on the circumstances, you may need to comply with the subpoena by producing the requested documents, file a motion to quash or modify the subpoena if you believe it is overly burdensome or seeks privileged information, or negotiate with the issuing party to reach a resolution.
  6. Meet Deadlines and Requirements: Ensure that you comply with any deadlines and requirements specified in the subpoena. These requirements usually include the date, time, and place for document production. Failure to do so could result in legal consequences.
  7. Maintain Confidentiality: The subpoena duces tecum could involve sensitive or confidential information. If it does, take precautions to protect the confidentiality of the documents and comply with any relevant privacy laws or regulations.


Receiving a subpoena duces tecum can be a complex and potentially stressful experience. Understanding your rights and obligations is essential for navigating the process effectively. If you receive a subpoena duces tecum in Virginia, don’t hesitate to contact our office for a consultation.