
We specialize in addressing legal issues surrounding conversion, a critical and often misunderstood area of tort law. Conversion involves the unauthorized taking or use of someone else’s property, depriving the rightful owner of its use and enjoyment. Our dedicated legal team is equipped to provide comprehensive guidance and representation to individuals and businesses affected by conversion.

What Is Conversion?

Conversion is an intentional tort that occurs when an individual wrongfully takes possession or control of personal property belonging to someone else, thereby denying the rightful owner access to or use of their property. It’s not limited to outright theft; conversion can involve any unauthorized act that deprives the owner of their rights, even if the property is not damaged or permanently taken.

Examples of Conversion

  • Unauthorized selling, using, or disposing of someone else’s property
  • Refusing to return property that was loaned or rented
  • Misappropriating funds or assets for personal use
  • Withholding property that should rightfully be returned or transferred

Legal Remedies for Conversion

Victims of conversion have the right to seek legal remedies to recover their property or receive compensation for their loss. These remedies typically include:

  • Damages: Monetary compensation for the value of the converted property at the time of conversion, along with any additional losses suffered by the owner.
  • Replevin: A legal action that allows the owner to recover the actual property, not just its value, from the person who has wrongfully taken it.
  • Injunctive Relief: In some cases, a court may issue an order to prevent further misuse or disposition of the property.

Our Legal Services

Case Evaluation and Investigation: We start with a thorough assessment of your case, including the circumstances of the conversion and the extent of your loss. Our team will gather evidence, identify the responsible parties, and determine the most effective course of action.

Litigation and Negotiation: Our experienced attorneys are prepared to represent your interests in court or through negotiation to secure the return of your property or obtain fair compensation for your losses. We are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for our clients.

Preventative Advice: In addition to addressing acts of conversion, we offer counsel to businesses and individuals on how to safeguard their assets against potential conversion. This may involve reviewing and strengthening contracts, policies, and procedures related to property management and control.

Contact Us for a Consultation

We bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table in handling conversion cases. Our approach is client-focused and results-driven. We understand the impact that conversion can have on individuals and businesses alike, and we are dedicated to providing aggressive, effective legal representation.

If you believe you have been a victim of conversion, or if you are facing allegations of conversion, contact us today. Our team is ready to help you navigate the complexities of your situation and work towards a resolution that protects your rights and interests.