More young veterans are leaving the military to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities in small businesses, according this recent Wall Street Journal report. The article lists many reasons behind the uptick–including the increase in franchise opportunities and advanced training and education opportunities. But part of the explanation is more nuanced, as captured in this quote:
‘In the Marines, you do what you’re told, when you’re told and you don’t ask questions,’ says Mr. Morris. ‘We got tired of working for the man. So we went to work for the dude.’
That sentiment, however one phrases it, is prevalent among many of today’s veterans, particularly among many of the young veterans who grew up in the ’80s and ’90s. Many joined the military to serve during a time of war out of a sense of duty or adventure and not simply as a twenty-year career. Now that the wars are drawing down–or at least the U.S. involvement is waning–many of these young veterans are taking their skill and their education to the private sector.
If you are a veteran and you are considering starting a small business or you currently own a small business, consider contacting the law office–a veteran owned small business–to discuss your legal needs.